Join the JA Startmeup Summer Boot Camp if you are 14-18 and like to:
• Create stuff
• Develop your leadership skills
• Make like-minded friends
• Have loads of fun!
Places are limited to 100 participants. JA HK encourages participation from students with diverse background in arts, science, commerce, design or technology. All things being equal, priority will be given to applicants who are interested in taking part in the 2017/18 JA Company Programme.
Join the 2017/18 JA Company Programme – via the school based or the open track – to have a real taste of running a business under the guidance of volunteer business advisers. The December JA Company Programme Trade Fair is a highlight where you can sell your offerings to the public. After the Trade Fair, you may compete for the Final Competition and have the opportunity to represent Hong Kong at the JA Company of the Year Regional Competition and the Next Generation Leaders Forum in Canada