Online Application Form




Contact Telephone Number:



ID Card Number (The alphabet and the first 4 digits):



My electives:
 Business, Accounting and Financial Studies Design and Applied Technology Economics Geography History/Chinese History Information and Communication Technology Science (Biology, Physics or Chemistry) Visual Arts

1. Why are you interested in joining the Startmeup Summer Boot Camp? Pick the top three reasons.
 Develop my leadership and 21st century skills Understand my strengths Know how to do a business Meet new friends Unleash my potential Simply have fun

2. Which topic are you most interested in?
 Silver Hair Market Green Business Health and Wellness Education and Learning Information and Communication Technology Civic Education Other problem solving solution

3. Please use either of the following means to introduce yourself and the contributions that you can make to the JA Startmeup Summer Boot Camp:

  • Upload Essay (no more than 300 Chinese characters or 150 words in English)(MS Word or PDF)
  • Upload 10 slides (Powerpoint, Keynote or Prezi)
  • Upload 1 min video(MP4)

4. Where did you hear about our programme?

5. Parental Consent Form

I hereby authorize the applicant    to join the JA Startmeup Summer Boot Camp. I have read the terms and conditions and clearly understand the risk of the above mentioned program, and hereby certify that the applicant is in good health and is capable of coping with the activities of the program.

I agree that the organizers and supporting organisations will not be held liable for any accident, injury or death arising from any accident or mishap connected with the program incurred to the applicant during the course of the programme. I shall not ask for any compensation that exceeds the insurance policy obtained by the organisers. I shall obtain extra insurance coverage if I need additional protection for the applicant.

I agree that the organisers may take photos, video and/or audio recordings of and write articles on the event proceedings, which may appear subsequently in the marketing collaterals of the organisers and/or the sponsor (including but not limited to publications, website and promotional materials) without having to pay any remuneration or compensation.

a. Name of parent/guardian:

b. Relationship with applicant:

c. ID Card Number (The alphabet and the first 4 digits):

d. Contact telephone number:

I have read the Terms and Conditions